Monday, November 2, 2009

Beautiful People

I can't tell you how many people walk into my house, look at my family pictures, and ask, "Did you take those?"

I didn't. They're FAMILY pictures. I'm in the pictures. I did not take them :)

So the question becomes, who does the photographer go to for her family pictures?

This year we travelled to Michigan to swap services with my friend Molly of Molly Bea Photography.

Molly and I were friends from when I lived in Michigan. We were new moms with husbands in ministry together.

Wes and Molly are two of our favorite people in Michigan. I so enjoyed capturing "them."

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Stephanie Wilson said...

Molly is so beautiful it is crazy! Wes is one lucky ducky fellow! They look so happy with each other - that is a beautiful thing to capture on film - a happy couple!

Molly Wickes said...

Thanks for the kind words and rockin pix!